Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Goose Me

I had painted the Canada Geese a few times before.  Back in 2003, before I started to actively pursue painting, I did a family portrait of Canada Geese using water color.  In fact I used that painting as my litmus test.  That was the permission I gave myself to find teachers who could show me how to paint.

Eight years later, I want to try my luck again at using Canada Geese as my main characters.  I am intrigued by the long black necks of the geese.  Their necks telegraph so much motions and emotions.   Sometimes agitated, sometimes embracing; sometimes curious, sometimes alarmed; yet always interesting.  I thought their necks represent a perfect challenge to depict using Chinese calligraphy strokes.  I would need to find a way to "write" their necks with meaning and strength.  It is with this intent that I embark on my new journey.

First I worked up a general sketch.  I've done a painting on zebras ( see my Horsing Around with Stripes blog) and I liked the general composition of that painting.  I am going to arrange my birds in that array again.

I worked up another model employing colors that reminded me of patina.  I  defined the bodies as if they were commas, dashes and dots.

Well, that looked interesting but somehow it lacked the wow factor.  I know this was just a quick model, but I can't put my fingers on the missing link.

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