Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Inauragation of my Tedious Project

I am going to make the most out of my "stencil" from my so called tedious project.  I feel that I should be able to recoup the time and effort I invested in developing that stencil and frankly I want to see how many variations I can make out of my mosaic plot map.  I took a picture of my mosaic outlines so that I could print off copies of it when I feel the urge to play.   Obviously I could also do it the traditional hard way, by laboriously copying it onto another piece of Xuan paper using ink and brush.  If I do that, I would be able to retain the original dimensions, which is approximately 13 inch by 26 inch.

Andrew is a 9 year old 4th grader who likes to draw.  One of his work enjoys the accolade of being selected for display at the administration office of his school district.  

Why don't I print off a copy of my "tedious project" mosaic and let him have a go at it.  I am curious to see the result!

I really do not want to stymie Andrew's imagination so the only information he receives is that the lines represent 2 ducks swimming in a pond and there are ripples and reflection of trees and shrubs in the water.  He is encouraged to do whatever he sees fit with the print out.  There are no rules.

I am impressed with Andrew's dedication in attempting this drawing.  How often does one see a 9 year old sitting by a table and just draw?  I ask him to take small breaks and walk away from the table and try to form some idea about his drawing from a distance.

After one such small break, Andrew decides to add a duck to the drawing.  He paints in a third duck and ripples.

I must say, I am impressed.  It is also interesting to see that he is portraying webfeet on his duck.

Andrew comments that he likes the looks of certain colors sitting side by side; in particular the orange and the blue.  So I googled the topic of complementary color and showed him the color wheel.  He seemed to be impressed by that and all he talks about now is complementary color.  I certainly did not expect that.  Never underestimate a 9 year old!

Two hours has elapsed and this is the result.  I am told that he plans to finish the water with a silver color.

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